Comparing Top 3 Diets (infographics)

select athlete nutrition

I wanted to share a few infographics that I have found to be helpful when looking at dieting and nutrition. Today’s post will include infographics about gluten-free diets, the ketogenic/paleo diet, and the vegan diet. It is not up to your trainer to tell you what you should be eating (since that should be a nutritionist’s job). You need to inform yourself on what you should be eating in general. We need to understand that everyone is different and responds differently to different types of foods and our overall diet.

select athlete nutrition

A great infographic on gluten-free eating. If you have celiac’s or a mild form of the disease (gastrointestinal problems associated with gluten) then this is a good start to help you out make better decisions on your food options.

select athlete gluten free

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The paleo diet has become very popular in the world of CrossFit. It sounds simple enough, eat the way a caveman would have eaten in the paleolithic era. Check out the graphic below to learn a little more.

keto diet, select athlete

We all have that one crazy vegan friend. It’s ok, they bleed just like you and me…lol. Maybe those vegans are on to something. I mean, think about it, they are pretty healthy right?

vegan diet


Thanks for reading everyone! If you would like to join the closed group to talk about the diets, fitness, etc..with a community that actually care about their health, go ahead and CLICK HERE TO JOIN. In the group, we have strength and conditioning / nutrition professionals actively interacting with anyone interested in fitness and nutrition. Maybe you can bring your own take into the group.

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